
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, I hope all you mums out there are being spoilt. I have been thoroughly spoilt so far.

The day started off with a little tap on my bedroom door at 7.15am, on opening it I found Alfie standing there with a bowl of muesli (made with soya milk, just how I like it).  Bless his heart, I can't do all that chewing so early in the morning. After a big cuddle I persuaded him to pop it in the fridge for later and I snuggled back down, thoughts of a lie in crossed my mind.  Half an hour later an excited Lizzy came bounding in saying 'I know what day it is'. Another big cuddle and then she went downstairs to see what her brother was up to. I decided that I might as well get up  and have a bubbly bath, lovely.

I had beautiful cards, flowers and presents from my three gorgeous babies and then went to see my Mum for a coffee and to give her gifts.

My Mum is wonderful and I love to be able to spoil her. She brought my sister and I up mostly as a single parent, with no support (either moral or financial) until she met my stepfather.  She never made my sister and I feel as though we were going without and her love and generosity made us feel richer than we were, when in fact we had nothing!  She is a remarkable lady and I don't know how she coped, I don't think I could have done as well.  I love her to pieces and I am so lucky to have her. My children have the best Grandma.

We are now waiting for a lovely 3 course meal, cooked by my beautiful first born.  I love being a mum.

Whatever you're doing, enjoy your day x


  1. I love the hair cut you all have (the bob and fringe, so classy!). How funny that you all have it! :-)

  2. Extra cool points for a mum wearing cons!Have a lovely meal.

  3. Donna, sounds like you are having the perfect day. Hope your evening is great too.
    Happy Mothers Day my sweet x

  4. It all sounds so good. You are so blessed Donna. I am glad you've had a wonderful day.

  5. Grumpy Old Woman10:12 PM GMT

    *blinking back the tears*

    Thank you, darling, for those loving words and for giving me such a wonderful Mother's Day.
    Had a fab, if somewhat exhausting, time.
    Yes, being a mother is really special.
    Love you too....

  6. what a wonderful day and such beautiful presents x

  7. You're daughter looks like Katy Perry, very beautiful what a proud mummy you must be.
    Our girlies are all so fabulous, i think they are what make us all stay so young and gorgeous too lol
    I don't know about you but i have to keep up with my oldest and she's always telling me I'm a yummy mummy lol yeay! bet you get that too.
    I wish i loved nearer to get to your open house sweetie. :(
    Good luck with it.
    Catherine x


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