
Friday, July 09, 2010

Press(ing) Matters

I am often asked for fabric loans by magazines and I am always happy to accomodate these requests when I can.

Recently, I was asked by BBC Homes and Antiques to supply rare and named pieces of 1950's fabrics for a photo shoot so I delved into my most precious collections to find my Marian Mahler, Lucienne Day, Barbara Brown and any David Whitehead fabrics I could.  These pieces are very special to me so with some trepidation (and a lot of reassurance from H&A) I sent them off.  I had no need to worry, they were sent back in perfect condition and very quickly and the resulting photo shoot is in this month's edition.  It's mouthwateringly delicious. Lovely to see other collector's pieces too.

Also out this month is an article I did for Sew Hip, together with more pictures of yummy fabrics.


  1. Ooh, I love Lucienne day's work!!

  2. Gorgeous article, read this back in May when I did my work experience with H&A and the fabrics look beautiful! How exciting to be in 2 publications!!
    Tamzin X

  3. Well done Donna - very exciting to see you in print.....

  4. I brought Sew Hip for the first time yesterday on the strength of your article, which I really enjoyed. I love vintage fabrics too and there's no better feeling than chancing upon some in a charity shop, boot or jumble sale. Looking forwards to reading more on your blog.

  5. Hi Donna, lovely to see you at the fair too, I had a great time and I absolutely love my curtains!
    Lucy x

  6. Well done Donna! I loved the spread in H & A. Your lovely fabrics always catch the eye. Hope to meet up with you again before too long. Cx

  7. Hi Donna

    I have bought the H&A magazine, your name was mentioned several times!
    I've also had a look at your previous post, loads more beautiful fabrics!!!
    Have a great weekend
    Isabelle x

  8. Hi Donna, seems a long time since I last visited. Congrats on the magazines, very exciting! Love your knitting bag too! Love Kirsty x

  9. Very cool!

    Happy blogoversary :)

  10. Donna, Donna, Donna where are you?! Love reading your blog and have bought a couple of pieces of children's fabric from you in the past. Just decided to stop lurking and start my own blog and you're not out to play! hurry back soon


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