
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Festival Fun

I have been absent for some time now. This has been mainly due to me being away in Suffolk.  I took the children, with Mum, to stay with my friend Amanda in Essex and then we all went to stay in her family holiday cottage in Dunwich, Suffolk, a really pretty seaside village.

While we were staying there we also went to Latitude festival.  After enjoying Camp Bestival so much last year I decided it would be lovely to go to another festival. I wasn't too keen on the musical line up of Camp Bestival this year.  Amanda and I   had wanted to go to Latitude last year because our beloved Nick Cave was headlining but this was not to be as Amanda was in her final weeks of her 4th pregnancy and her husband had forbidden us to jump around in a field to the dulcet tones of Nick!  So, with the prospect of a comfy holiday cottage 10 minutes up the road from the site and neither of us pregnant we booked tickets for this year and planned a 10 day break together.

Latitude was great, really good fun. Having the children with us was a bit restrictive and we didn't get to see or hear as much as we would have done had we been on our own but nevertheless we had a great time and I will treasure the memories of dancing in the glorious sunshine, which we had in constant supply, to The Temper Trap, The Maccabees and Mumford and Sons.

My favourite performance came from this crooner though.  His voice is a delight and he is rather easy on the eye too!

I have never been to Suffolk before and was really amazed by it's beauty. It is very different from where we live and is about as far east from us as you can get.  I loved the towns of Aldeburgh and Southwold.  We went boating one day at The Meare in Thorpeness, home of the amazing House in the Clouds.

Amanda took the boys out on the lake while I stayed with the little ones.  Just in front of us in the queue to get on a boat was Jarvis Cocker and his friends.  He got on a punt and was quite a sight to behold, punting back, in his suit!  I love Jarvis and listen to his Radio 6 show every Sunday so it was quite surreal to see him in this situation!

All in all it was a great break away and so lovely to be able to spend so much time with my  friend who lives too far away for my liking and so I don't see her enough!

And so, I am back, and busy plotting my next festival escape.  I am considering Vintage at Goodwood.  Are any of you going?


  1. Oh lucky you! wewent to southwold a couple of weeks ago and you can see the doings on my site. I just love the area.

  2. Oh yes we are!
    Looks like you had a great time away. Makes the school hols go a bit quicker?!
    Hen x

  3. Good to have you back in Blogland Donna! Looks as if you had a fab time in Suffolk. Sadly Vintage at Goodwood is one too many for us this year. Spent enough doing Sunday Glasto & WOMAD. Need to settle down and paint some windows! Have a fab Sunday. Lizzie x

  4. I was at Latitude with my 11 year old (pics on my blog).

    It was my 4th year & his 3rd. Its handy for us as we only live nearby - not far from Aldeburgh/Thorpeness!!

    Glad you enjoyed your Suffolk visit - think sometimes us locals take it all forgranted.

  5. Great write up - lovely pics - brought it all back.
    Yes, we were soooo lucky with the weather and managed to cram a lot into 10 days, didn't we?

  6. I would love to have gone to Latitude! It was great to read all about your adventures. Suffolk is a county which I's so very different to Devon!
    As for vintage at Goodwood,it looks amazing and I'd go like a shot but, sadly, we are doing something else that weekend! I hope you manage to get there and then report back!! ;-) x

  7. Looks wonderful Donna..have a great time at Goodwood..we did think of going but its our little ones 3rd birthday so vintage is not on the agenda!!

  8. That looks like a fab break, lovely photographs. So nice to spend the time with the kids as well.
    Vintage at Goodwood looks fantastic, I really want to be there but a bit poor this year :( due to all the moving around and G going to uni. I did send an e-mail about volunteering but was prob a bit late.
    Look forward to seeing the pics if you go. It will be amazing and great fun to dress up :) x

  9. Donna ~ sorry it has taken so long to reply to your message...Suffolk sounds wonderful, many years since I have been there but I love all the seaside towns in that area.
    Re: painted signs ~ the lady that does them is not actually set up as a business yet and as she does not have an email address have had to wait until her return from holiday to talk to her! She is just starting out but has agreed to let me sell her products via my website and at fairs, so within the next couple of weeks I should have them available for sale (will let you know!). The seed trays I bought ages ago on ebay, a guy had a surplus of them and did the stencilling himself ~ have done a search and can't see any for sale at the moment...sorry I haven't been much help have I?
    Lovely to see you again in CS a few weeks ago ~ very pleased with my purchases as always!
    I'll be in touch again soon.
    Ali x


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