
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Home Spun

I had a day pass, a day without children, for the first time in weeks!  So what did I do?

That's right, I drove down, with mum,  to the Roseland Peninsula and Portscatho, home of the lovely Home Spun fair.

The village is so pretty and we had great weather luckily.

The fair was lovely and I came away with some goodies and got to meet some bloggers and stall holders that I hadn't met before.  I forgot to take pictures of the fair as I got too excited as usual when inside and didn't take out my camera. There are lovely pictures on Kirsty and Sal's blogs though.

These were my treasures from the day:

Pretty fabrics from the 1920's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!

Some sweet little children's wooden chairs

An adorable sewing box from Gertie

Some pretty fabric boxes

Some nostalgic ephemera

Pretty French embroidered cotton camisoles
(and just underneath you can see one of Kirsty's lovely lavender fish)

A beautiful silk 1940's tea dress

Some lovely vintage shoes (which are ridiculously high!)

We then took a stroll in to the village and visited Christine's delightful little shop 'The Sea Garden'.  

Such a treasure trove and packed with all manner of goodies.  It was also very packed full of people so after a quick look around I left with a pretty pin cushion jar made by the talented Gertie.

We had lunch in a pub sat outside in the glorious sunshine and thought 'this is the life'.  I had the most delicious mackerel salad.

Sadly it went a bit downhill from there as by the time I had walked back up the hill to my car and to say goodbye to some of the stallholders I felt decidedly unwell. My head felt as though it was about to burst and my face was bright red and hot.  I really needed to get home so after a couple of painkillers I drove home, some 2 hours, feeling very very poorly.  Despite having all the windows open in the car my head felt like a furnace.  I'm not quite sure what happened but I think that I may have had a reaction to my lunch.  The effects were so sudden and I felt toxic for the rest of the day and most of the next day.  Very strange!

Anyway, I am better now and busy preparing for the weekend.  The tickets have arrived, the childcare is  all taken care of and now all I have to do is decide which dresses I am taking.

Yes, Paul and I, (and NO kids), are off to Vintage at Goodwood.  See you when I get back!


  1. It was great to meet you (and your mum!) on Sunday, sorry to hear you were unwell, what a shame!
    Still, you had a good spend first, eh? And I had my eye on that sewing box!
    Have a lovely time at the weekend - good luck with the shoes!

  2. shoes are fab- only met you once, but I think they're definitely YOU!

    Enjoy Goodwood, alas unable to go to this one but have tickets for the Revival (yay!)

  3. Yes, a lovely day (until it all went pear shaped).
    Thanks for the mention Kirsty!

  4. Have fun at Goodwood xx

  5. I love your buys especially the vintage dress and shoes; the chairs remind me of the ones at my primary school back in the 70s.

    Lucky you for going to Goodwood; hope you have a great time and take plenty of photos for us!

  6. Remember to take lots of pictures of Vintage at Goodwood! I would love to know all! :) xox

  7. Ohh vintage at Goodwood, you lucky thing! Wear your lovely new tea dress, and I love the tulip print fabric!
    Tamzin X

  8. Have a fab time there Donna!

  9. Sounds like a great day out, lovely pictures :)
    How terrible you felt ill & had to drive 2 hours :( Have a great time at Goodwood.

  10. It was lovely to see you and your mum at the fair Donna. You looked so lovely in your summery frock.. It must have been very distressing for you to become poorly so quickly and so far from home..
    Hope that Goodwood makes up for it!

    Michele xx

  11. Your day out sounds heavenly but how horrid to get so ill so suddenly. I love, love, love the shoes - I wouldn't be able to get my horrible tree roots into those.

    hope you are enjoying Goodwood. I'd love to visit it someday.


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