
Monday, July 18, 2011


6 years ago today I started blogging!!!  Thank you for reading my blog.  I am genuinely flattered by each and every comment I receive and the fact that anyone wants to hear about what  I get up to. 

The draw has now been done for the giveaway on my previous post.

Assisted by my lovely helper, who is also 6,  all the names were printed out and put into a little basket.  The name drawn out was .........

....... Memmens!

Congratulations Mary,  a bag of celebratory goodies will be winging their way to you.

Thank you to everyone who commented and told me about the changes you have experienced in the last 6 years.  I enjoyed reading them.  6 years is a long time, here's to the next 6, cheers x


  1. Happy Blogaversary!! And here's to many more years of fabric wonderfulness :)

  2. Happy day indeed! Thanks for the giveaway I'm looking forward to receiving some goodies!

  3. Congrats on your blogaversary
    indeed there will be many more x

  4. Oh! Happy blogaversary Donna! Six years huh! Amazing. I always love reading your blog - even tho' I know what you're up to in realtime......

  5. Congratulations on 6 years! How does time zip by so fast?

  6. Well Done Memmens. Here's to 6 more years.

  7. Oh! And I LOVE your 6 made out of buttons - so pretty! xxxx

  8. here's to the next 6 years indeed!

    So pleased to have started blogging and met you, and I love reading about your fabric-fuelled days

    Congrats to the winner

  9. My is it 6 years already? It seems like yesterday. Here's to many more years of vintagey goodness! Allison x

  10. Happy Anniversary!
    You have a beautiful blog!!!!!!!!!
    Your topics, the photos, the writing style...just beautiful.
    This is my first time reading and commenting on your blog (I got it from August Paddock blog roll) and I'll be back again.
    Have a great week,

  11. Happy Blogaversary Donna. I love blogging as I have met so many lovely people. Here's to the next 6 years.
    Jo xx

  12. Hello Donna, thanks for your message about the scales...yes please! I'd be really grateful if you could let me know how to adjust them..I'm flummoxed!
    I've just noticed how gorgeous some of those buttons are on that number six, lovely.
    Anyway here's to many more years of blogging and vintage fabric appeciation! x


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