
Friday, August 05, 2011

Vintage at The Southbank

Do you remember this?  Well as we had such a good time last year we thought we must go again.  I was apprehensive as it was not a camping festival but more a series of events.  It wasn't the same it has to be said but we still had a fab time.  Some of my highlights include:

Dancing on the balcony in the Style Studio until 1am

(click on photos to enlarge)

Just look at those views!!!!

The Soul Casino, dancing and watching

Dressing up - 1950's by day, 1960's at night!

The marketplace.  Such a huge selection of vintage goodies!

 The Review, where we watched Claudia Brucken, Linda Lewis, David McAlmont and many others

Playing and lounging

Enjoying the spectacular views from the Royal Festival Hall

and my particular highlight was the stunning fashion show curated by Pearl and Daisy Lowe.  Simply stunning and quite moving.  They dedicated it to Amy Winehouse.  All the models were ballerinas and the whole thing was just beautiful.

Just before the show started and we were waiting (as the show was delayed), 2 little girls were sashaying and dancing on the catwalk much to the delight of all the waiting audience.  They were so sweet. The one on the left is Ronnie Wood's granddaughter and they were both natural models and entertainers!!!

We had such a great time.  I preferred the camping style of last year's festival but the Hemingway team did a great job yet again and there were some stunningly dressed people.  My photos don't do it justice as I only took my iPhone and was too engrossed in being there. For a better idea look at these stunning images.

Can't wait until next year!


  1. Fab photos - looks so wonderful Donna - I'd have given my right arm to be there. (OK, maybe my left!)

    Hopefully there will be a 70th celebration of the Festival of Britain and I will BE THERE for that - seeing as I am the only person I know who was there for the original!

    I'm glad you had such a great time <3

  2. Dear Donna
    I had to do a double take when I saw the first few photos - I've not popped by to your blog for a while and now I see you've gone dark !! The hair that is !! It looks gorgeous :-)
    Sounds like you've had a great time at the festival and a true vintage treat.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    D xx

  3. Looks great.... hope I can make it next year :) x

  4. glad you enjoyed it! that I've just managed to recognise who you are and talk to the right person, you go brunette...


  5. It's been great seeing your photos as I went along to the shopping village but not into the exhibition. I had a wonderful time too, and it's nice to see you enjoyed yourself as well

  6. Love the 50's and 60's you. Both superb with your glossy bob Donna.

    Whole event sounds great, bet the setting was perfect for the evening do's.


  7. looks like you had a fab time Donna...jealous?


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