
Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Christmas Vintage Bazaar

Here I am sitting in bed, trying to shake off a bug.  I have no time for bugs right now, I am simply too busy, so I am ignoring it as best I can, whilst trying to do the right thing (take lots of Vitamin C, have early nights etc).

This Saturday is the last fair of the year for me.  One of my favourites, the Vintage Bazaar, is having it's Christmas fair at the Cheese and Grain, Market Yard,  Frome, Somerset  BA11 1BE (from 9am to 3pm).

Frome is such a lovely town with a great vintage vibe and lots of nice shops and cafes which I really enjoy visiting.  As well as my stall there are loads of great sellers making it a super event which is always very well attended.

Take a look at the Vintage Bazaar blog for more details and in the meantime I will go back to sipping my honey and lemon and getting my strength up!  Hope to see you there.


  1. It's looking wonderful Donna....oh and I spy a lovely little leopard fur coat.....mmmmmm
    T x

  2. Hope you feel better soon!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. Feel better soon, because you have to be there!!!
    can't wait
    Daisy J

  4. Poor you Honey hope you shake it off, am doing the same ignoring is the best way, feel I have popped a rib from coughing! I will see you tomorrow I hope...
    it all is looking gorgeous as always x

  5. gorgeous goodies.
    Hope you feel better soon xxx

  6. Hope you pick up your strength soon. I like your pics.


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