
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy New Year (belatedly)

Happy New Year everyone.  I am not sure quite where the last part of 2012 or the beginning of 2013 went but here we are almost through January and I have not updated you on how things are for me.

I was so busy with fairs in December and then Christmas came and went in a blur. It was a bitter sweet one this year as my beautiful big girl was away in France doing a ski season. I did miss her and her sweet Christmas spirit as she missed us.  Thank goodness for the internet for we spoke and saw each other several times that day.

She bought me the most beautiful present, a personally inscribed necklace  from Chambers and Beau with the sweetest words on, which made me cry of course!  I am the luckiest Mummy.

Paul and I then went to the Vintage New Year's Eve party at the Southbank, which was fun.

Sadly my phone ran out of charge early in the evening so I took no photos at the event, only these few of us getting ready and walking across the bridge to the Royal Festival Hall exist.

2012 was a wonderful year, a sad little loss of my darling Bella in Summer, but much to celebrate and be thankful for. It was the year I was the Homes and Antiques Magazine VIP for a month

It was the year that I supplied the Olympics with fabric for the Beach Volleyball dancers

My fabric was used for George Clarke's caravan  in  Channel 4's programme Amazing Spaces.  The fabric was used for cushions and the blind in the sitting room.

I was given the most lovely accolade by the Queens of Granny Chic, Tif Fussel (Dottie Angel) and Rachelle Blondel (Ted and Agnes) in their beautiful book.

and another mention in the fabulous Lola Nova's scrummy book

It is so lovely to get recognition from such talented and esteemed people as these. My little business is a real labour of love and a passion of mine and to be so successful fills me with absolute joy.  I am hoping to build on last year's successes, learn from the mistakes and continue to grow this vintage fabric emporium of mine.  It's already looking like a great year ahead.

I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Hoping 2013 is another Cintage Year for you Donna! :) x

  2. lots of recognition, and deservedly so, you work so blimmin' hard to get things just-so!
    See you at Trull
    ps are you snowed in?

  3. I'm looking forward to another year of fun and adventures from your lovely self and family xxx

  4. Your necklace is beautiful :) Happy new year to you too x

  5. Lovely pics!
    Congratulations for all your achievements in 2012 - here's to 2013 darling xxxx

  6. Happy (belated) new year to you too! You and Paul look very dapper on your way to your new year festivities. Here's to a fabulous 2013! (Just found Junkaholique's fabulous blog whilst perusing your blog list...thanks for sharing your blog list so I can get hooked on some new ones!) Xxx

  7. I have just discovered your lovely blog! The necklace is stunning and I too have a daughter called Jasmine who has just turned 17 xx


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