Every year we do an Easter hunt with the children with clues taking them round the house and garden finding little eggs and clues on the way until they find their baskets of booty at the end. They start off with pictorial clues when they are very little but progress onto written clues as they get older. Alfie just loves this. He was very quick to work out the clues and amazingly still believes that Easter Bunny put them all out for him, marvelling at how Easter Bunny could have put clues in his playroom while he was just nearby on the computer! Ah don't you just love a child's imagination? I remember my mum and gran doing the Easter Hunt for me in my gran and grandad's flat where they lived above their shop. The place was tiny in comparison to where my children live but the magic was still there, the hunt still very exciting. Children find magic in the tiniest things. Lizzy followed along behind with her tiny basket, scoffing mini eggs as she went. She was delighted with the whole thing. Jasmine feigned an aloofness but was secretly quite interested, especially when her basket was found with the others.
Alfie reads the clue
Hmmm what can it be?
Lizzy looks in her basket
Alfie asks the chckens if they have seen any eggs
Down by the gate
Lizzy helps (but is busy eating her eggs!)
GOW helps
Come on Lizzy
Alfie finds the baskets in the garage
They enjoy discovering their booty
Little Miss Easter Bunny
Such beautiful pix Dons! I used to devise really difficult treasure hunt clues for K&P but have been lazy in recent years.
You have motivated me to make an effort again for next year!
Great pics! I used to do the same egg hunt for my boys, but my clues were in rhyme! I used to sit up in bed the night before, racking my brains composing poetic clues! Now what rhymes with bunny...? funnny? honey? money?
What lovely photographs. Such lovely memories for the future. Mary
gorgeous Donna. What lovely experiences and memories you are giving your children.
Thanks for the lovely photos. It looks gorgeous. you must have really enjoyed yourselves - wonderful memories.
Yo! You do Easter very professionally! I love the big baskets... mine are on a promise of Nintendo (aside from being 9 and 7 & feeling a bit past hunting, too lazy to look & hooked on Jetix TV. Slobby family, sorry) so they had a little egg on the breakfast table & coloured in some circles on their Nintendo charts. Somehow it's not quite as wonderfully visual as yours... not to mention our garden is the size of your henhouse!
Absolutely fantastic, Dons!
Lizzy looks so grown up and I love her wellies.
Gorgeous, Donna! Your kids are so lucky!
Allison x
i'm glad that you are keeping mum's tradition going. but the question is... do you scoff them and have to go out and replace them? hahahah.
Happy Birthday Donna! hope you have a lovely day.
Hi Donna
I love these traditions and think it's wonderful that you do this for the children.
Our neighbours did the same with their young boys - they had great fun.
Clare x
Beautiful photos of your children. I would have LOVED to have had an Easter Egg hunt when I was a little girl. Actually I think that now I'm a big girl I'll still enjoy it!
Lovely pictures Donna! Yes, lovely memories for your children! I can just imagine Alfie's face coming across that rabbit!
We do an Easter hunt too but they have to look for the hidden eggs in the garden. Holly feigned aloofness too this year asking instead for money. But when I came in on the morning to say the Easter Bunny had been by she shot out into the garden in her dressing gown trying desperately to find the eggs before Alice - they divided them all equally at the end!
i am moving in! how cute. and belated happy birthday. april babies are the best of course. tis my boffday on saturday, so please send all leftover chocolates! hope you had a special day donald
Yeah for the egg hunt!!!
I was an extra great bunny this year (even if the nuttn variety) and no one gave me a ginormous box of smarties in my basket. For that matter I GAVE baskets but got bupkiss. That seals it. I'm off to raid the baskets...
Wonderful pics Dons, and a lovely cotton rabbit - they do get around! (I got broadband recently and no longer fear picture heavy blogs!)
morning donald! (sorry that probably really irritates you, but i can't help it, i just can't!). i was sitting having my lunch and reading the sydney magazine, which seems to have lots of content about vintage shops this month, and i came across an article about buttons, so i thought you might like to look at website of the shop the article was about....
phew, that was a mouthful!
Oh dear, I'm having a blur-screen alert. I don't know why...but your picture stories always make me blub. This is just so lovely. Thankyouxxx So cute. You always capture so much with your words and pics. I still think of the beautiful pics of your daughter's party. Those ones made me blub too. Those lovely dresses and the air of joy and youth. I don't even have to look at them again and I can conjure them up in my head. So precious. So wonderful. So full of life and carefree dreams.
Happy Birthday too dear sweet Donsxx
shuldn't that one caption read:
Alfie finds the easter baskets in the garage next to a large drum of toxic waste
just joking i enjoyed the pics.
Your so clever, I never thought of puting the easter eggs in with the chickens !
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