I really don't know what happened to the rest of December. It seemed to fly by in a bit of a blur! Christmas was upon us before we knew it and now it is the New Year. I have had a house full of people, 10 to be precise, so it has been super busy with my sister and her family here from Denver, USA and mum staying too. We have had a lovely time together although I have been really very ill, probably more ill than I can ever remember being in my life. I am still suffering now and have resorted to antibiotics after putting up with the symptoms for over a week. The doctor said it's probably viral and the antibiotics won't make much difference but I may as well take them. I hate it and can't wait to feel better. One of the awful symptoms is that I cannot taste anything, all food tastes like cotton wool, so my appetite for all the beautiful meals we have had just hasn't been there. If you cannot taste your food there is absolutely no joy in eating, good for dieting maybe but not for having around Christmas. Everyone except Jazz and Jack got the bug to varying degrees so it has been a strange old time. The plus side of feeling this way is it gave me lots of snuggle time with my little ones as I could do little else.
We saw in the New Year last night ensconced in the bar, listening to great music and playing the Wii. Paul went out dressed as woman (as he does every New Year's Eve!) into Bideford and Jazz went out with her friends too. Bideford is one of the top places to be for New Year in the country. Everyone dresses up and plans their outfits months in advance. There are entertainers and bands playing on the quay and fireworks at midnight when everyone rushes over the old bridge to the East side of town. There is always a great atmosphere and is really friendly. Jazz went as a pussy cat while her boyfriend Jack went as Russell Brand. Paul looked like Ugly Betty but thought he was Amy Winehouse, hahaha! I shall leave you to make your own conclusion!
Anyway, Happy New Year lovely people. I hope 2008 is all that you wish for and more. I am glad to see the back of 2007, especially the last bit where I was so poorly, so bring on 2008 I am ready for ya.My New Years resolution is to stop making the same old mistakes. I am just going to make a whole bunch of new ones!Pin It