
Saturday, September 30, 2006

News and Views

I have a few bits of news to share with you, things that have happened within the last month, of which I haven't told you before, so here's an update:

1. Jasmine did very well in her GCSE's. We were very proud of her and I think she was pleased with herself too considering that she turned into a party animal just as her exams started (and calmed down just as they ended!).

2. She is now at college studying A Levels in History, English Lit and Lang, Photography and Media.

3. She has got herself a weekend job at Top Shop which is where most of her wages used to go anyway so it means that she will now get more for her money when she gets 25% off (and so do I, hooray).

4. Lizzy is walking at last. She took her first few stumbles on holiday and now there is no turning back. She totters everywhere with her pidgeon toed gait, swaying from side to side like a drunken old man! She gets up in the morning and just walks round and round the house shouting "Mumum" all day long.

5. I have to wear reading glasses! I am absolutely devastated at this piece of news. I who have always had 20/20 vision, I who have been my mum's eyes for her, looking out for the numbers on buses when I was a little girl,

I noticed that when trying to read instructions on packets or when threading a needle I was holding things further away. Jasmine complained of having sore eyes and headaches so I booked her an eye test. While I was waiting for her I tried on some ready readers and, lo, everything was clear! I was very unhappy when trying to find a pair of glasses. The man in the opticians tried to be helpful. I was so unhappy that I missed out on the fact that he looked like Johnny Depp (a fact told to me when we got out by Jasmine). I know it's just a vanity thing but it means I am getting older. It's not even the glasses per se it's the fact that my eyesight is failing and I am not good at failing things. I know it's just reading glasses at the moment but it's only a matter of time before I have to have the full-on Olives (from On The Buses)!

Anyway, enough wallowing in self-pity, I leave you with a photo of one of our hen's eggs. On the left is a normal sized egg (which are way bigger than shop-bought eggs) and on the right is a HUGE egg, a double yolker in fact. I just wish I knew which one of our girls produced such a specimen. It must have been a bit of an eye-waterer!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Hair

Yes it's that time year folks, I always need to chop off my summer hair and start afresh for autumn. Remember this? Well I thought I would stick with a similar look but make my bob more dramatic, more of a graduation.

I have to say that it was one of the worst hair cutting experiences ever though. Lizzy had been unwell in the night, throwing off some high temperature and waking up almost hourly. I had thought of cancelling my appointment but she seemed much brighter in the morning so we set off for Exeter. She slept on the way but when she awoke she was tearful, clingy and hard to pacify. I thought she might just sit in her pram and watch me have my hair cut but this did not go down well at all. Instead she sat on my lap whilst I had my hair washed and I wrestled to keep her still while she wriggled constantly to get down. I had my hair cut with a cry cry clingy baby, covered in snot and bits of hair. Not my normal, restful, Toni and Guy experience! Poor baby. Anyhow, all things considered, I think the hairdresser did a marvellous job, I love it. (by the way, these photos were taken the next morning after I had slept on my hair and having done nothing to it. A sign of a good cut!)

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin....

For years now I have sat on a hard wooden kitchen chair at my computer desk. It is not the most comfortable of seats and my bottom goes numb if I sit there for too long. So imagine how delighted I was to find this gorgeous vintage typists chair, reupholstered in vintage fabric! From now on I will be blogging in comfort, bringing you my posts seated in style. It's a throne befitting any vintage fabric queen!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lizzy's new clothes

Parcels are always lovely to receive especially if they are unexpected. Lizzy had an unexpected parcel from her Aunty Roxy in the USA. We opened the parcel together and out tumbled lots of beautifully wrapped packages. Lizzy loved them and enjoyed shaking them, playing with the ribbon and rustling them. She was even more delighted when she opened them and found pretty clothes inside. She is such a girl, she loves clothes, bags and shoes. Please indulge me, and Aunty Roxy, with some cute baby shots.

She was in great need of a winter wardrobe update so thank you Roxy. The clothes are absolutely gorgeous!

I have also been adding to her wardrobe which you can see over at my crafty blog.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Super Swaps

Well Gimme your stuff worked a treat. I got two wonderful packages in the post this week. Firstly from this lovely lady, I got some gorgeous vintage kimono fabric, a corsage made from the same fabric, some more vintage fabric, some vintage ribbons, a big bar of chocolate and a mini Blythe doll (chocolate not pictured due to scoffage!). I have sent her a parcel that I hope she is as pleased with as I was with mine.

Then, from Japan, this lovely lady sent me some cute Japanese fabrics, some gorgeous lace trim, a pretty little bracelet and a letter writing set. Totally cute! A parcel is winging it's way to Japan as we speak.

Isn't this fun? It's like having a birthday every day. I can highly recommend it, in fact if you are into swapping and want to join in then there is a great vintage swap going on over here.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tea and supper

Do you remember this? Well when you have finished feasting your eyes on the delightful Tanya turn to page 110 in your Tonic magazine and check out the photos that I helped style. These were taken in my garden on a beautiful July afternoon. I think they look delicious. Another scone anyone?

Now those summer days are drawing to an end (despite it still being really hot and humid) my new passion is for butternut squash soup. I had it for supper this evening. It is super easy to make and is really delicious. I roast the squash first with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and 2 garlic cloves. Roast until slightly blackened then scoop out the flesh while it is still warm. Fry a couple of onions in butter add squash, stock, chives, a teaspoon (or more if you prefer) of curry powder and finish with some grated fresh ginger. Liquidise or leave, it's really up to you. Yummy, filling, nutritious and warming on those autumnal evenings that are sure to come.

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Term

The holidays are over and we are getting back to some semblence of normality. As with all new school terms there are changes and some people move on and are no longer at your school. The same can be said for blogger as several bloggers have decided to hang up their blogging boots and move on to pastures new. Two of my favourites, Trac and Kitty, wrote some of the funniest, wittiest and sometimes moving blogs. I will miss them a lot and hope one day they will return so that I can get my daily fix of their brilliant writing. So long you gorgeous girls, I wish you well x

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Tatty Swap!

The morning I left for Port Isaac, (had a fabulous, sunny time by the way, more about that later), I received a parcel from my best friend Tats. We had agreed to a swap and her parcel arrived bearing all sorts of lovely gifts. There was a vintage flour tin, some pretty vintage fabric buttons, a hand bag mirror in my favourite polka dot fabric, a sweet little apron for Lizzy, a sausage dog kit, a gorgeous corsage made from a Suffolk puff and vintage button, some scraps of vintage fabric, a feedsack with the label on (which I collect), a keyring made from a vintage children's book and a box of beautiful unused vintage cards. I felt like the luckiest girl alive. Thank you so much Tanya, your box is being assembled ready to send to you.