Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Night Project

A lovely glass of Cava, a bit of deeply dark coffee chocolate, a pile of Country Living magazines and some folders. I'm sorting out my magazines, finding all the inspirational pages and filing them so that I can find them easily. The rest can then be recycled and I get a bit more space in my house.

Oh yes, I know how to live, Friday night, hey rock and roll!
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lettuce said...

lol. Sounds like quite a nice Friday evening actually! I fell asleep half way through Terminator 2..... rock 'n roll here too!

andsewtosleep said...

Sounds absolutely perfect! Why save it just for Friadys? Mary

andsewtosleep said...

Ooops that should be Fridays - and I haven't had the Cava?!?!

Rebecca said...

Pretty much my idea of a perfect night too!

Aimz said...

Sounds good to me! btw mind if I add you to my links?

Natasha said...

Yes that is a well spent evening indeed!!

I must say the last time I attempted that bit of organization with my mags it went like this...assemble supplies, page through, ideas tumble out of mag onto my lap and the next thing I know I am covered in fabric and threads and I only got through one mag!!! Sheesh adult ADD?

lettuce said...

i had the weirdest dream about you last night.....

Ragged Roses said...

chocolate and wine is my kind of Friday! Spent mine looking after poorly husband and sewing ... Thanks for lovely comments, again.
Kim x

Anonymous said...

Donna, if you want to be a tasseled burlesque girl, please be mine. I love swatting at those butt tassels.


ramblingwoman said...

I often spen the evening with cuttings from magazines - only mine are recipes from the Sainsbury's magazine and other magazines...I start with the intention of filing them, but then it all gets too much for me and loads of loose bits of cuttings just end up all over the floor and i have to just shove them back in the cupboard the next day.

I bet yours was much more organised Dons! How far did you get?

Tanya said...

Crickey... sounds lovely but I never do it I am usually comatosed on the sofa.. However I need to do it as we're having work done on our house and I need a kitchen plan..

The fabric of my life said...

I did really well and tore out lots of pages. I have yet to file them but that won't take long. I was surprised at how few pages I wanted in the end!

Pod, I know that's you, you anonymous scamp ;-p

The fabric of my life said...

Oh and Lettuce, what was this dream?!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like my type of night! x

Woo Gilchrist said...

That sounds perfect. I am very jealous of your thrifty finds.....that little jug is just perfect!

Will email you shortly Dons with update on blog and house and stuff.....


Shammickite said...

I'm very impressed that you can be so darn ORGANISED, even after a couple of glasses of wine and munching on chocolate too!
That Pod's a devil isn't he!!

Pod said...

i feel unable to answer your rather provocative question over here for fear of further demonisation!! it seems that ex-scmuckie has it in for me......

stadtgarten said...

I always find it very hard to cut out things from my favorite magazines, mostly I store them intact and reuse them every year in the right season. But they need a lot of space, your method is more effective.
I also love dark coffee chocolate.

Ginny Gibson said...

Hi Donna I feel like I haven't visited for ages and missed out on some posts that deserve a comment.

Firstly I was just wanting to add something to the Cath Kidston bit.

A lot of old fabrics through history have been copied by quite a few designers, there is nothing wrong in giving something a new lease of life.

But with reference to Cath Kidston - look what she tried to do to Green Gate. It's like there was one rule for her and one rule for others.

By the way I love the friday night in entertainment ... but don't get me started on Country Living either. Oh dear woe is me.

best wishes Ginny

Gina said...

Sounds like a lovely time.

Cream said...

Great project! I prefer the liquid part of it, though. The rest sounds like work.

lettuce said...

darn! i should have written it all down immediately, its rather a blur now. It was something about me posting pics of your family on my blog - without asking your permission - in some rather dramatic/traumatic context. Very strange....

Gena said...

sounds perfect to me!

Gretel said...

eek! I could never, ever take scissors to my piles of magazines...though I admire the thought! In fact I am often rescuing them from recycling bins...;)