Christmas, I love it, it's my favourite time of the year but I don't enjoy the stress that comes with it. I'm sure most of it is created by me and my desire to get everything just right. I have had a small boy at home all week. he felt fizzy in his head and fuzzy all over his body. Clearly a case of fizzy fuzzyitis so he stayed home. The first few days were fine, he was too ill to get up from the sofa where he lay but once he started to feel better he became very demanded and his naughtiness returned with a vengeance. He was bored and didn't know what to do. Couple that with a mother who has so many things to do she is getting dizzy and you have a recipe for stressed out mother syndrome.
Anyway, we had a great party of which I wrote long and poetically about earlier and then lost the whole bloody lot. I am too tired to do it again so here are just a few snaps, it was great fun, we drank loads, ate loads and went to bed late.
There were bad boys in the music room,

drinkers in the bar,

diners in the living room,

sweet children,

glamorous grandmas,

2 grumpy old men

and someone out past his bedtime!

Oh, and me.

The bar was a rip roaring success, admired by all. I absolutely love it.
It was a wonderful mix of people, I love our friends. I was only sorry that I just didn't get enough time to talk properly to everyone, that is the only problem with hosting your own party. We are off to another on Sunday so I shall hopefully catch up with most of them again there.
Jasmine did what all 15 year olds do at their parent's parties, she got drunk. Mixed her drinks and was legless by 9pm. She fell spectacularly up the stairs giving everyone standing at the bottom a birds eye view of her knickers as she lay there shouting 'I'm fine, I'm fine'. She was very sweet and funny and a little embarrased about being so inebriated. She said to Mum and I 'this will never be mentioned again'. Oh yes it will my girl, oh yes it will, hehehehe
I adore teenagers. Jazz and her friends were fantastic. They are great company. She had 6 friends staying over, 3 boys, 3 girls. The boys played with Alfie and made him their little mate and the girls just started clearing stuff away at 2am and washed up without being asked. They can come again. Sadly there are no photos of this wonderful crew.
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