Well I have had a very strange time. It all started on Friday afternoon. I went for lunch with Paul, (a very rare occurence let me tell you), and then on to B & Q to choose paint for our new living room, (oh how he spoils me), when I started having stomach pains. I thought it might have been lunch and that it would settle down in a short while. I said goodbye to Paul, (who went off to work), and went to pick up Alf from school. Driving to his school, some 20 minutes away, the pains got progressively worse and I started to feel nauseous and dizzy. Added to this, Lizzy was crying as she was hungry and needed a feed. I got to the school 10 minutes early and started to feed Lizzy in the car. I felt really ill and kept wondering how I was going to walk up to Alf's classroom to pick him up as I felt so sick. I couldn't help thinking how embarrasing it would be to throw up in front of the other mums. While I was worrying about this, my friend Vanessa popped her head through the car window and for a moment my mind was taken off how I felt. We walked up to the school and I felt a bit better. I picked up Alf and got back into the car. I then had to drive across town to pick up my daughter from her school bus. Whilst driving I started to feel much worse and, as Alfie regailed me with tales of Noah and his Ark, I started to moan quite loudly, (it helped with the pain, I did it with 3 labours, it works!). Alfie asked me if I was having another baby, 'No darling', I replied, 'I think you are mum' he said very seriously. By the time I reached Jazz I was crying and in soooo much pain. I just thought 'I have to get my kids home'. I drove home, (god knows how), and collapsed on my bed. Jazz went into Mrs Organised Overdrive and phoned Paul and my mum whilst looking after the 2 little ones. Then I'm not sure what happened. Someone must have phoned for an ambulance and a very nice paramedic turned up and took me to the local hospital. I was shaking uncontrollably due, I think, to fear rather than the pain. I have a very high pain threshold and have had 3 children with no pain relief but I do not like pain that I cannot understand. All I could think of was my friend and neighbour, Larraine, who died suddenly at the age of 41 from an asthma attack leaving her husband and 7 children. I was very scared and told Paul I couldn't leave my children, they need me. Mum arrived at the hospital and it was decided that I should go on to the bigger hospital for a scan as they had tested for kidney infection and pregnancy and both had come back negative (thank the lord). The scan (external and internal if you please!) showed that there was blood in my tummy (not sure where exactly) and I was told that this happened sometimes and it was nothing to worry about. Probably just my body getting back on track after having baby. I was sent home and have been resting this weekend while my home and family have been in the safe hands of my wonderful mother..................................................................................... So what have you all been up to?
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