The room is by no means finished but we are finished for now and can at least sit down and enjoy it. It seems a bit sparse and minimalist but feels very cosy. The red sofas will be at the end of the room with the Christmas tree in, once Christmas is over. We will then put an L-shaped sofa in their place. A window seat is to be built in the bay window where the tree currently sits.
We are waiting for wall lights to be delivered from Jim Lawrence and have some great vintage posters being framed for the walls.
In the meantime we are loving having our sitting room back and the dynamics of the room has changed so much.
Some things have worked really well. I particularly like these vintage glass doorknobs, that I have had for years, perfect for our doors.
I rushed out on Friday to get a tree to make the room Christmassy for the children and drove around for hours with no success. I eventually found one at Cornish Farmers but when I got there I found that they didn't net them. I had bought an 8 foot tree!! Somehow I managed to stuff it into my car and then when I got home, to an empty house, I dragged it out of the car, into the house and put it up. Amazing what you can achieve when you are determined. The looks on my children's faces made it all worthwhile.
We have very few decorations up this year, understandably, and I am not sure how many more will get put up between now and the big day, but I love what we have.
Look at this beautiful doll, called Holly, made for me by the talented Jan.
Nearly finished my Christmas shopping but I have hardly sent out any cards this year. With the chaos that has been such a big part of my life these last few weeks, something had to give! If I haven't sent you a card, I am sorry but I do really wish you a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Pin It
Hi Sweetie,
I have NO IDEA how you have managed to find the time to do this blog, in among all the other things you are doing right now!
Well, I've now seen the room in the flesh and it's lovely - I love the new layout and the feel of it.
It's been finished to a v high standard and is a 100% improvement on what you had before (which always looked absolutely fine to me).
It will be even better when you get in the furniture that you have planned, along with the great ideas for what to hang on your walls.
Well done you - I couldn't have gone though that without going completely mad.
You never cease to amaze me.
Sorry I'm anonymous - Google has decided not to reconise me today :o[
Donna it looks fantastic. You must be so thrilled.
As for not doing many cards ... I haven't done ANY yet. I've decided that despite them saying Happy Christmas mine will actually be New Year cards ... sent out some time between Christmas and Easter!!
Sue xx
It looks lovely and very festive, even if it doesn't feel like it to you! Your little one is very sweet :)
I love your curtains, did you make them?
Mel x
Thanks Donna, you must be so relieved to have your bed back at last! My eldest got in with us about 3am but decided at 5am that she wanted to go back in her bed!!! Totally unheard of, I can only think it's because she's now having to fall asleep there instead of downstairs or in our bed, so things must be getting better.
Mel x
Happy Christmas, what hard work, looks lovely.
You must be delighted with the way it has all come together so well... and so quickly..have a good Christmas ;-)
So glad that you are feeling festive in your lovely new room, Donna.(Looking fabulous BTW!)Hope you can now relax for a while and enjoy some family time.
Happy Christmas to you all,
Niki x
Your new room looks wonderful you can now 'maybe' relax and enjoy Christmas, the filming sound intriging.
A very Happy Christmas to you...
Jan x
Wow it looks lovely.
wow -you worked hard to get it looking perfect! The pink is soooo lovely. Now you must put your feet up and enjoy it. Have a very happy Christmas with all your loved ones.
Hope to see you on the TV very soon. you must let us all know when it is shown!
Hope you are all snuggled and settled in your nest for Christmas ..
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
Michele xx
Happy new year Donna,
the room is looking lovely and the tree fab.
Have a wonderful time.
Catherine x
Happy New year Donna. I spy the door knob, I have one similar, its on my wet room door... my hand often is to slippy to open it having had a shower and I have to shout the children to open the door, maybe a bathroom is not such a good idea for it.... Anyway wishing you a creative and healthy new year
Happy New Year Donna
Your room's looking good after all that hard work. You doing it before christmas reminded me of people who move house just before giving birth, all seems too stressful.
I spoke to you in the summer on the phone and when I talked about getting a blog up and running you said if I left you a message you could do a link to me. Feels cheeky asking, but is this how it's done and then does it automatically put you on my blog for others to see. Still feeling a bit virginal.
Take care
Lisa (Mrs Bobo Bun)
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